KT doesn’t design for awards or press (although winning one or two doesn’t hurt), he doesn’t chase down every last potential project, he doesn’t design based on the amount of units. KT’s interest for the discipline of architecure started in Taiwan, and molded into a deep passion for the art when he came to the States. The expansiveness of the US helped him focus, helped him to be less distracted, to be able to listen without agenda. Every building is different, and every space has a soul. That is how every building at KTA is designed- from a 78-bedroom co-living space, to a 300-unit master community. He doesn’t design to win awards- he designs to unveil souls and to give the end user a place to call home.

“I know what I don’t know and I am always striving to learn more”- KT
Our studio consists of architects, designers, engineers and planners who work in tandem with our clients to make unique and enduring architecture- but you already know that. Now, what you may not know, is the vibrancy that rings through the office as the drawings are being checked and the facades are being designed- it’s electrifying. The simple interactions between friends that end up in fits of laughter. The controlled chaos that is day to day happenings. We are an architectural studio, and we love what we do.